Jun 20Liked by Plantagenet Junkie

The church's interference in royal marriages, I've read, was the motivation for the creation of the 'modern' religious institutional practices concerning marriage. It was apparenty sufficient for a very long time for two people to pledge themselves to one another before witnesses, in order for a binding marriage to be deemed to have been effected.

Maybe Edward's 'Black' appelation is a reference to his fierce miltary reputation. To this day mothers in the Poitou tell naughty children that 'the English will come and get them', and a popular French slang term for menstruation is 'the English'. We're such popular folk...

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Wasn't the pledging and consummation referred to as 'handiest' marriages? I think I read that somewhere. And, yes, you're right -- there is some thought that the moniker "Black Prince" was applied because when Edward came through town, everything was black when he left, having been destroyed/burned. The chevauchee was a tried and true military tactic, even applied here in the U.S. during the civil war with Sherman's march to the sea. And certainly, a version of this destruction is being played out by the Russians in Ukraine, complete devastation of cities like Bakmut, and also occurring in Gaza.

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Yes. Scorched earth has brought suffering to millions for hundreds, probably thousands, of years, and we don't seem to be getting any more civilised at all. The 'great' conquerors, like Genghis Khan, at least used it rationally to scare other cities further along the march into submission. I find it hard to see anything other than near-blind revenge in Ukraine and Gaza.

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This blog is quite a work of art, with the photos and the historical back story and your personal reflections. Thanks.

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